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Threads per day: 0.55
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Top referrer: Lava (12 referrals)
Members who have posted: 1.43%
Today's top poster: Nobody (0 posts)
Most popular forum: Infinity Engine Modding News Feed (859 posts, 859 threads)
Top referrer: Lava (12 referrals)
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Most Replied To Threads
Questions about quests and mod events146 replies
Feedback, Bugs und Typos146 replies
Tangled Oak Isle updates35 replies
Bug reports33 replies
Viconia Revamped - basic information and download27 replies
Yvette Romance bug21 replies
Verr'Sza BG2EE problem20 replies
The Vanishing of Skie Silvershield - basic information and download19 replies
Southern Edge updates18 replies
Game crash in Alabaster Sands17 replies
Tangled Oak Isle and the old BG217 replies
Questions about Yvette15 replies
Tangled Oak Isle14 replies
Innershade - bug reporting and other info14 replies
Fate Spirit Binding Bug?14 replies
Feedback, Bugs und Typos146 replies
Tangled Oak Isle updates35 replies
Bug reports33 replies
Viconia Revamped - basic information and download27 replies
Yvette Romance bug21 replies
Verr'Sza BG2EE problem20 replies
The Vanishing of Skie Silvershield - basic information and download19 replies
Southern Edge updates18 replies
Game crash in Alabaster Sands17 replies
Tangled Oak Isle and the old BG217 replies
Questions about Yvette15 replies
Tangled Oak Isle14 replies
Innershade - bug reporting and other info14 replies
Fate Spirit Binding Bug?14 replies
Most Viewed Threads
Questions about quests and mod events71,757 views
Feedback, Bugs und Typos69,714 views
Viconia Revamped - basic information and download16,265 views
Tangled Oak Isle updates14,505 views
Bug reports13,294 views
The Vanishing of Skie Silvershield - basic information and download9,879 views
Verr'Sza BG2EE problem9,810 views
Yoshimo Romance - basic information and download9,665 views
Tangled Oak Isle - basic information and download9,140 views
Southern Edge updates9,115 views
Skie: The Cost of One Girl's Soul - basic information and download8,716 views
Weasels! - basic information and download7,919 views
Varshoon - new versions7,722 views
Foundling and the Shadow Magic mod7,451 views
Yvette Romance bug7,445 views
Feedback, Bugs und Typos69,714 views
Viconia Revamped - basic information and download16,265 views
Tangled Oak Isle updates14,505 views
Bug reports13,294 views
The Vanishing of Skie Silvershield - basic information and download9,879 views
Verr'Sza BG2EE problem9,810 views
Yoshimo Romance - basic information and download9,665 views
Tangled Oak Isle - basic information and download9,140 views
Southern Edge updates9,115 views
Skie: The Cost of One Girl's Soul - basic information and download8,716 views
Weasels! - basic information and download7,919 views
Varshoon - new versions7,722 views
Foundling and the Shadow Magic mod7,451 views
Yvette Romance bug7,445 views